Speaking to the media right after landing in Cambodia, coach Philippe Troussier said that his team faces strong pressure in completing the target at the games. The team will have to show their best performance and play beautiful football, he said, expressing his hope that this pressure will help players play with highest determination.

Vietnamese team at the airport in Phnom Penh

He held that the tournament will be tough for Vietnam's U22 team as they will face strong rivals. However, all players have been ready, he said, affirming that Vietnam come to SEA Games 32 with the highest spirit and for best results.

Vietnam won the championship at SEA Games 31's football tournament.

As scheduled, the Vietnamese team will have the first training session on April 26 to prepare for their first match against U22 Laos on April 30.

This year, Vietnam sends a 1,003-strong sports delegation to SEA Games. The country will compete in 30 out of 36 sports at the games, aiming for 90-120 gold medals to enter the top three on the medal tally.

Source: VNA