Coach Park Hang-seo delivers a speech at the launch of the academy named after him.

Addressing the launching ceremony, former coach of the Vietnamese male football team Park Hang-seo said that when working for the Vietnamese team, his mission and responsibility were making contribution to the development of Vietnamese football. “I always try my best to say thanks to the supporters for their love for me. I think it is time to do that,” coach Park said.

The Korean coach added that football powers always develop school football. Therefore, professional and school football should go together. He expressed his hope that the academy will open up new horizons and be a firm foundation for Vietnamese football to develop in the future.

In his speech, head of the Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) Tran Quoc Tuan said that coach Park Hang-seo does love Vietnam and considers the country his second home. Thus, his continuous contribution of ideas to the football sector of Vietnam is practical. 

VFF President Tran Quoc Tuan speaks at the event.

According to the VFF official, the debut of the first Korean football academy in Vietnam will help tighten the relationship and cooperation between the Republic of Korea and Vietnam. He hoped that the two countries will carry out more cooperation development programs to develop the Vietnamese football stably and sustainably.

Coach of the Vietnamese female football team Mai Duc Chung also expressed his hope that the academy will give the right direction for football talents, foster their love for football and train more good players for Vietnam.

At the event, Dong Luc Group and Park Hang-seo International Football Academy announced their strategic partnership. Accordingly, the group will provide sport supplies for academy’s trainees, trainers and cadres.

Translated by Chung Anh