As scheduled, Hanoi will host 18 sport events of SEA Games 31 in 15 localities. As of March 15, the city had basically completed the upgrading of all infrastructure works serving the events.

The city has coordinated with the Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Transport to ensure security and transport activities for the games. A plan on COVID-19 prevention and control is also being finalized.

Thanh Tri Stadium will host basketball competitions at SEA Games 31.

At the meeting, relevant agencies and localities reported the progress of the implementation of their tasks. A list of accommodation facilities for SEA Games 31 participants was also announced.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Dao Cuong highlighted that SEA Games 31 is a chance for Vietnam to make a breakthrough growth for tourism sector of Hanoi and the whole country.

Cuong said that the opening ceremony of SEA Games 31 is an important event, which requires the city to ensure best preparations for it.

For his part, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hanoi Chu Xuan Dung said that the city hopes for guidance from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on communication activities for the event and the organization of sidelines activities.

Concluding the meeting, Chairman of the city People’s Committee Chu Ngoc Anh affirmed that Hanoi had put COVID-19 under good control.

He said that continuous efforts will be made to get the city ready for the games.

Highlighting the significance of tourism and trade promotion activities, he said that a series of activities will be held from now to the opening of the event.

Source: VNA