The visit ran from May 23 to 25. The delegation was led by Senior Colonel Cao Van Son, Deputy Logistics Chief of the Naval Service.

The delegation, troops and islanders in Truong Sa island district in a joint photo

The delegation visited the islands of Song Tu Tay (Southwest Cay), Sinh Ton (Sin Cowe), Co Lin (Collins Reef), An Bang (Amboyna Cay), Da Dong C (East London Reef C), Da Tay A (West London Reef A), Truong Sa (Spratly), and DK1/9 platform.

During the visits, the delegation offered incense at the monument of Grand Duke Tran Quoc Tuan on Southwest Cay and the memorial house in dedication to President Ho Chi Minh in Truong Sa townlet; paid tribute to heroic martyrs who laid down their lives to protect the national sovereignty over sea and islands; visited cultural works and troops’ barracks; inquired after and presented gifts to troops and islanders on the islands.

Overseas Vietnamese join the delegation

Speaking during the visit to Sin Cowe Island, Vice Chairman of the VFF Central Committee Nguyen Huu Dung praised the bravery and determination of troops and islanders on the island in particular and the Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago in general; highly appreciated their obtained achievements over the past time, which contributed to firmly safeguarding the skies and sea of the Fatherland.

He expressed his belief that troops and islanders would stay united to overcome difficulties and make more contribution to the protection of national sovereignty over sea and islands.

Vietnamese expat in Republic of Korea Duong Quang Phu, Chairman of the Vietnam-Korea Businessmen and Investment Association (VKBIA)’s Southern chapter, shared that he carried a national flag to ask for the signature of the commanding officers of the islands. This was a precious keepsake contributing to spreading and connecting the love for national sea and islands among overseas Vietnamese. 

Vietnamese expat in RoK Duong Quang Phu’s national flag
Duong Quang Phu handing over a laptop to a crew-member of Ship KN491

On the occasion, the VKBIA presented five laptops, a set of industrial-scale quantum booster water purifier and a number of small-scale ones to the islands, contributing to improving the living standards of troops and islanders. Meanwhile, the association handed over necessities to the islands, DK1/9 platform and Ship KN491.

Translated by Quynh Oanh