The trip was expected to help Binh Thuan expand international markets and robustly revive local tourism industry, according to the provincial tourism promotion information center. It also provided an opportunity for the province to popularize its signature tourism products and promote itself as a safe, friendly and quality destination.

A beach in Binh Thuan

The Australian buyers visited a number of popular tourist attractions in the province, including Bau Trang (White Lake), Ke Ga Lighthouse, Lang Chai Xua (Old Fishing Village) Fish Sauce Museum, Wine Castle, Poshanu Cham Tower, and Duc Thanh School.

Additionally, they also had a look into accommodation and catering services at several local hotels in Ham Tien – Mui Ne, Tien Thanh, and the city of Phan Thiet.

Binh Thuan boasts a 192-km coastline with beautiful beaches, fresh air and tropical climate. It has become popular among professional windsurfers and kite-surfers from the U.K., France, Russia, Germany, and others.

With the COVID-19 kept at bay, Binh Thuan has been welcoming an increasing number of visitors. In the first eight months of this year, tourist arrivals to the province almost doubled that of the same period last year to reach around 3.4 million. Tourism revenue was estimated at over 8.31 trillion VND (353.33 million USD).

Since the beginning of the year, the province served more than 42,000 foreign travellers.

Source: VNA