The program aims to strengthen friendship and mutual understanding between youths of Japan and those from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This is an opportunity for youngsters to explore and experience different cultures in the region as well as improve their knowledge and skills in a variety of fields.

(Photo for illustration)

Vietnam will send a contingent of 15 young delegates and a team leader to the program.

May 10 is the deadline for candidates to submit their applications. The selection consists of two rounds, including registration form, interview, aptitude test and skills to organize group activities.

Taking place from November 4 to December 11, 2024, young delegates will live together on board the Nippon Maru Ship and will visit Japan, and some ASEAN member states.

During the journey, they will also pay courtesy calls on representatives of the host countries' governments, meet with local youths, visit offices, schools and landscapes.

Source: VNA