Answering the question about measures taken by the province’s Party Committee and authority to promote the value of Dien Bien Phu Victory in socio-economic development, Le Thanh Do said that Dien Bien is a mountainous border province with a natural area of 9,541 sq.m and is facing many difficulties in socio-economic development. However, upholding the glorious traditions and values of Dien Bien Phu Victory, over the past 70 years, the province’s Party Committee, authorities, and ethnic minority groups have actively engaged in emulation movements to boost socio-economic development, maintain defense and security, and improve the quality of the material and spiritual life of ethnic people.

Chairman of the Dien Bien provincial People’s Committee Le Thanh Do

Attentively, over the past years, Dien Bien has become an attractive destination for culture, tourism, and investment, and maintained a decent economic growth rate. Up to now, 127 out of 129 communes, wards and towns in the province have motorable roads to the center; all communes, wards and townlets in the province have access to electricity and more than 93% of households have been linked to the national power grid.

Hill A1 in the early days of this May

Thanks to the advantages of nature, culture, and history, the number of visitors coming to the province has increased rapidly. Currently, the province has 31 ranked relic sites, including one special national relic, 14 national relics and 18 provincial-level relics. Defining historical tourism as a bridge for the province to foster the development of other types of tourism, in the 2021-2023 period, the province has invested more than VND 5,000 billion to develop infrastructure, creating momentum for Dien Bien’s tourism sector to "take off."

A corner of Dien Bien Phu city

Regarding policies and solutions to tap potential and strengths in socio-economic development, Le Thanh Do underlined that in order to gain rapid and sustainable development and make Dien Bien more prosperous, beautiful, and civilized, the province’s Party Committee, authority, and ethnic minority groups continue to implement synchronous and drastic solutions, striving that by 2045, Dien Bien will be listed in the group of well-developed provinces in Vietnam.

The province has intensified agricultural economic development in the direction of concentrated commodity production, technology application, sustainable development associated with the building of new-style rural areas, while offering solutions to attract investment from big domestic and foreign economic enterprises and groups to develop the province's key agricultural products in a closed chain. The province has also invested in exploiting renewable energy, especially wind and solar power, and boosted tourism development based on the three main pillars of historical and spiritual tourism, cultural and eco-tourism, and resort, entertainment, and medical tourism.

Xoe dance of the Thai ethnic people, an element of intangible cultural heritage of humanity, performed during festivals in Dien Bien

Together with enhancing socio-economic development, in recent years, the province has paid much attention to defense and security. In particular, the Party Committee, authorities, armed forces, and people have upheld the spirit of solidarity, self-reliance, and self-resilience to overcome difficulties and challenges and accomplish identified goals and tasks in the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the Resolution of the provincial Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term, contributing to raising awareness of and responsibility for the goals, viewpoints, mottos, tasks, and solutions for the cause of Fatherland protection among officers, Party members and people.

The province has effectively carried out planning on building military posture in defensive areas in association with socio-economic development; combined population arrangement with defense and security assurance; closely linked socio-economic development with defense and security assurance, especially in border and remote areas.

The province has pro-actively conducted strategic research; grasped, evaluated, and forecast situational developments correctly; and given timely advice to the Party, the State, the Central Military Commission, and the Ministry of National Defense on policies and measures to handle all circumstances. Mass mobilization, ethnic and religious affairs have been paid much attention to, thereby tightening the close ties between the Party and people. The external affairs have achieved significant results, contributing to building a border of peace, friendship, cooperation and development, among others.

Upholding the value of Dien Bien Phu Victory, the province has continued to preserve and promote cultural identity; build and develop people in Dien Bien to meet the requirements of innovation, integration and sustainable development; attached importance to patriotic traditional education to arouse national pride and consolidate people's trust in the Party and State; maintain and strengthen the Party's leadership and efficiency in the State's management in tasks of ensuring national defense, security and protecting the Fatherland; and coordinate with relevant forces in the fight against all types of crimes and maintain security and order in border areas.

Mentioning preparations for the celebration to mark the 70th anniversary of Dien Bien Phu Victory, Le Thanh Do shared that all public investment and urban beautification projects serving celebrative activities have been completed on schedule, ensuring quality. The province has closely worked with departments, ministries and branches to make thorough preparations for the celebration while functional agencies have reviewed all plans to ensure security and order, and absolute safety for the important political event.

The province’s Party Committee has required localities to enhance information dissemination and inspect households eligible to provide accommodation services for tourists. He also emphasized that the celebration is seen as an occasion for the province to popularize the image of the land, culture, and friendly and hospitable people of Dien Bien to domestic and international friends.

Translated by Quynh Oanh