The event gathered managers and scientists to discuss and share experience in climate change adaptation, and propose approaches to building up and rolling out solutions of adaptation to climate change in correlation with environmental protection and socio-economic goals.

Overview of the seminar

These findings will help the country effectively promote sustainable socio-economic development in the context of climate change.

Vietnam is considered as one of the countries which is most affected by climate change, and its coastal regions are seen as the most vulnerable. Thus, the country has paid due attention to studying and implementing measures to adapt to climate change.

Over the past years, Vietnam has made efforts to respond and adapt to climate change by implementing a number of plans, such as the National Action Plan on Climate Change for the 2012-2020 period, the National Adaption Strategies on Climate Change, and the Plan to implement Paris Agreement on Climate Change with a focus on implementing its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).

As most of its land is below sea level, the Netherlands has a lot of experience in climate change adaption and response. For years, the Dutch Government has provided assistance for Vietnam to respond to climate change in the Mekong River Delta and Ho Chi Minh City.

Valuable experience and lessons shared by the Dutch side at the seminar will hopefully help Vietnam effectively respond to  climate change.

Translated by Van Hieu