August 19, 2020 | 15:22 (GMT+7)
Health ministry launches mini game on COVID-19
The Ministry of Health on August 18 launched a mini game through its Lotus fan page, to raise public awareness about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Those wanting to play need only open and follow the instructions.
The mini game aims to raise public awareness about the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Each player must complete ten multiple choice questions regarding the pandemic in ten minutes. The winner will receive a Kangaroo air filter and a voucher on online shopping platform Lazada worth 1 million VND (43 USD), while each of the three second-prize winners will receive hand sanitiser and a 1 million VND voucher at Lazada.
There will be 10 extra prizes of hand sanitiser and a Lazada voucher worth 200,000 VND.
Since it was officially launched on March 15, Lotus has over 11,000 followers and more than 2 million visitors.
The fan page publishes directions relating to the pandemic from the Government, the National Steering Committee on COVID-19 Prevention and Control, and the ministry, and provides updated information on the situation in Vietnam and around the world. Opening the fan page expresses the ministry’s determination to intensify communications to raise public awareness about the pandemic.
Subscribers to the official fan page must download the Lotus app from the Appstore or CH Play on mobile phones or tablets.
Source: VNA