Politburo member Vo Van Thuong, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education, and Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh attended the event.

The Party Organization and people of Ha Nam were honored to welcome Uncle Ho to visit and attend the province’s anti-drought reviewing conference on January 14, 1958. During the event, Uncle Ho praised irrigation initiatives by local residents to fight drought.

Singers and dancers perform at the ceremony. Photo: qdnd.vn

Uncle Ho also visited the construction site of Cat Tuong Dyke in Binh Luc district. He lauded the efforts of workers and farmers working at the site to complete the project on schedule and soon bring water to paddy fields. The dyke was then completed in only five days, two days earlier than the plan, supplying water for thousands hectares of drought-hit rice crops.

In commemoration of the late president’s visit, in 2011, the province started construction of Cat Tuong Memorial right at the place where Uncle Ho talked to the workers.

At the ceremony, the memorial site, comprising of a memorial house and a small museum, were recognized as a national historical and cultural relic by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

The province also took the occasion to award 60 organizations and individuals for their outstanding efforts in following late President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example in 2017.

Source: VNA