Earlier, on February 6, at the Bien Hoa Station, Dong Nai province, the VGCL organized a program to bring more than 200 workers in Dong Nai province back home to celebrate Tet 2024.

Thai Thu Xuong, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, presents lucky money to the laborers.

* On the same day, the VGCL chapter in Ha Nam province also conducted a similar program to see off their laborers who were going to head to their hometown for Tet. During the program, the organizing panel prepared 35-40 buses for nearly 1,500 workers and their relatives back home.

* On February 7, at the Da Nang City Exhibition Fair Center, thousands of workers and their families returned home to celebrate Tet on 30 free buses. This was an activity within the “Trade Union Tet Journey” program in 2024, organized by the Da Nang City VGCL. During this year’s program, 80 buses were mobilized from February 3 to 8 to bring labors back to their hometowns.

* The Phu Yen provincial General Hospital has held a “Zero-VND” fair to present Tet gifts to needy patients. Via the program, more than 500 patients received 1,500 gifts from organizations and individuals.

Translated by Chung Anh