The State Presidents of Vietnam and Bulgaria have discussed a new economic cooperation model to lift bilateral relations to a strategic partnership level in the near future.

                          >>President Sang welcomes Bulgarian counterpart to Hanoi  

Under the proposed model, Vietnamese commodities will be shipped to Bulgaria’s ports for processing and be then exported to other European countries.

During talks in Hanoi on October 28, Vietnamese State President Truong Tan Sang and his visiting Bulgarian counterpart Rosen Plevneliev said the new model will contribute significantly to improving the efficiency of economic and trade cooperation between Vietnam and Bulgaria in the near future.

They also agreed to create the best possible conditions for their business circles to explore each other’s markets, especially in the areas of their strength and need such as infrastructure construction, urban development and public transport planning, energy efficiency, environment protection, food processing, and water resource management. 

They noted with satisfaction the close and effective coordination between the two countries at international forums, and said this mechanism should be maintained.

President Plevneliev voiced Bulgaria’s support for the view that disputes between countries should be settled through peaceful means and in line with international law.

President Sang affirmed Vietnam attaches great importance to developing the ties of traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Bulgaria.

He said their impressive economic achievements and increasing position globally will lay a solid foundation for the two countries to effectively boost bilateral and multilateral cooperation in various areas.

Plevneliev spoke highly of Vietnam’s Renewal achievements and expressed his belief Vietnam will always play an important role in maintaining peace and stability in the region and the world.

He echoed his host’s view, saying Bulgaria wants to elevate the cooperative ties with Vietnam to a new level.

President Sang thanked the Bulgarian government for supporting Vietnamese nationals in stabilising their lives in their country of residence, and hoped the Vietnamese community will bring into full play their role as a bridge strengthening friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

Both host and guest expressed their belief the Bulgarian President’s visit will add fresh impetus to Vietnam-Bulgaria relationship, meeting the desires and interests of the two peoples.

President Plevneliev invited President Sang to visit Bulgaria, and the invitation was accepted with pleasure. The visit will be arranged through diplomatic channels.

After talks, the two presidents approved a joint statement along with the new economic model, and witnessed the signing of a number of cooperation agreements in the areas of science and technology, information sharing, and marine industry.  

Source: VNA/VOV