National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the event.

According to a report presented at the session, there remained 12 major issues in the draft law facing different opinions.

These issues include land classification, land planning, land use planning, criteria for land use rights revocation and auction, and bidding for selecting investors to implement commercial housing projects, commercial works, service works, recreational areas, and multi-purpose complexes for socio-economic development serving the national and public interests.

In his remarks, Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue stressed the need to adhere closely to the 13th Party Central Committee’s Resolution No.18/NQ-TW, dated June 16, 2022, on continuing to innovate and improve the system of mechanisms and policies, the efficiency of land management and use, and to create momentum to turn Vietnam into a high-income developed country.

The top legislator requested that the draft law must ensure coherence with and should not replace the functions of other laws in the legal system.

He requested agencies involved promptly complete the bill for submission to the N.A. Standing Committee for further review before the final decision is made at the N.A.'s 6th session scheduled to be held later this year.

Source: VNA