The recently released book, titled “Some issues about the military policy, defense strategy during the cause of building and defending the socialist Vietnam Fatherland in the new period,” comprises 39 articles, speeches, and interviews of the leader, who is also Secretary of the Central Military Commission.
The book on Vietnam's military policy and defense strategy displayed at the recent launching ceremony. |
Some experts, researchers, and officials said the core and breakthrough point in the Party leader’s mindset about the military policy and defense strategy manifested in the book is that the safeguard of the national independence and self-reliance must be connected with that of peace. This is a creative and unique theoretical thought on military and defense that identifies the protection of a peaceful environment as a consistent objective of the building of the defense - military synergy.
Dang Van Son, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Xuan Tao ward in Hanoi’s Bac Tu Liem district, said the book reflects the General Secretary’s consistent thought about the leadership and directions over the Fatherland safeguarding in the new period.
Valuable in terms of both theory and practice, it could be considered a “lodestar” for military and defense tasks to protect the socialist Fatherland in the new period and during the international integration process, he went on.
Echoing the view, lawyer Ha Huy Tu, Director of the legal consulting center for the poor and community development at the Vietnam Lawyers Association, said the book demonstrates the Party leader’s dialectical mindset and strategic vision while further clarifying the Party’s theoretical thought about the country’s military policy and defense strategy amid new and complex developments in the world. It also emphasizes and affirms the Party’s comprehensive and direct leadership over the Vietnam People’s Army during the building and protection of the socialist Fatherland.
The book will have substantial influence on the country as well as others in the world, he said, adding that holding great significance, it is the lodestar for Vietnam’s military policy and defense strategy not only at present but also in the future.
Son noted the book helps readers grasp and smartly apply predecessors’ lessons of “concurrently building and defending the country” and “defending the country before it is in danger,” and especially preventing and eliminating risks of wars and conflicts early and from afar.
It is an extremely valuable handbook for each Party cadre and member, and people to thoroughly understand the policy on all-people national defense and the task of Fatherland safeguarding in the new context, and for all-level Party organizations, authorities and sectors, especially those at the grassroots level, to promote the entire political system’s role and sense of responsibly towards national defense, according to the local official.
Source: VNA