The festival took place in a happy, healthy, safe and economical fashion in all localities and families, the PM said, pointing to major tasks for ministries, agencies and localities in the time ahead.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the meeting.

Tasks and solutions set in resolutions adopted by the Party, the National Assembly and the Government, particularly the Government’s Resolution No.1/NQ-CP dated January 6, 2023, need to be realized towards the fulfillment of socio-economic tasks this year, he stressed.

The PM asked ministries, agencies and localities to accelerate public investment disbursement, the implementation of three national target programs, which cover socio-economic development in ethnic minority-inhabited and mountainous areas, sustainable poverty reduction, and new-style rural area building, and focus on the building of a national data center.

They were also requested to review the allocation of capital sourced from budget collection increases, with priorities given to such spheres as wages, national defense and security, and transport and social infrastructure.

PM Pham Minh Chinh stressed the need to create a legal framework to unlock resources in service of national development, mentioning amendments to the decree on oil and gas business.

An overview of the meeting

According to a report presented at the meeting, 63 cities and provinces earmarked about 9.5 trillion VND (404.81 million USD) to support 25 million needy people during the Tet holiday.

National defense, political security, social order and safety were intensified on this occasion, and cultural, sport, tourism and communications activities were held in diverse forms, the report said.

Source: VNA