The event reviewed the sub-committee’s working results since the last meeting. It also gave opinions on a draft report on five years of implementing the socio-economic development strategy for the 2021-2030 period. Also tabled for discussion was the draft orientations and tasks for socio-economic development during 2026-2030 before they are submitted to the Politburo and the 10th session of the 13th-tenure Party Central Committee.

PM Pham Minh Chinh addresses the third meeting of the 14th National Party Congress's sub-committee for socioeconomic affairs on August 23. 

Delivering the opening remarks, the PM said that since its second meeting, the sub-committee has actively worked to fulfill many tasks with progress and quality ensured. In particular, it submitted a detailed outline of the socio-economic report to the Party Central Committee’s 9th session for approval, compiled the draft socio-economic report, and updated the draft political report.

It has sent delegations to survey and work in the northern midland and mountainous region, the Red River Delta, the North-central and coastal Central region, and the Central Highlands.

Aside from considering reports and practical proposals of localities as well as some ministries and sectors’ in-depth studies on key fields, its compilation team has updated the draft review report on five years of implementing the socio-economic development strategy for 2021 - 2030, and the draft orientations and tasks for socio-economic development during 2026 - 2030, he noted.

The Government leader asked participants in the meeting to analyze the regional and international context, impacts on Vietnam, and also domestic difficulties and challenges.

They need to assess the realization of the 13th National Party Congress’s resolution while pointing out the implementation progress of the overall goals and comparing results with other countries in the region and the world.

PM Pham Minh Chinh also told sub-committee members to identify socioeconomic development bottlenecks, and work out new targets appropriate to the new context, especially breakthrough solutions to achieve the fundamental and strategic goals. These goals include turning Vietnam into a more developed country with modern industry and upper-middle income by 2030 and into a developed and high-income nation by 2045.

Source: VNA