Earlier, the Party chief emphasized the personnel preparations for the 14th National Party Congress, scheduled for early 2026, while addressing at the first meeting of the sub-committee on the work.

Bui Thanh Toan, member of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee and head of its Information and Education Board, called such instructions the concretization of President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and lifestyle, as well as the Party’s views on reforms and innovation, and the spirit of “thinking big, acting bold, and daring to bear responsibility.”

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the first meeting of the sub-committee for personnel affairs of the 14th National Party Congress.

Thanks to reforms, Vietnam has gained great achievements and the country is growing strongly and comprehensively more than it did in the past, he continued, citing the Party leader as saying that “never before has Vietnam enjoyed such fortune, strength, international standing and prestige, as today.”

Toan expressed his hope that the Party Central Committee will continue with personnel reforms in tandem with devising and perfecting mechanisms on recruitment and talent attraction in order to develop a pool of qualified officials and public servants.

Journalist Hoang Chuong, former head of internal affairs - Party building department of the Phu Yen Newspaper, highlighted the top leader’s view on the inheritance, stability, reform, and continuity of the personnel work. 

He said the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat have issued various resolutions, directives, and guidelines on the work, which has also been prescribed in the State’s legal regulations.

Such efforts have led to changes in personnel recruitment, helping develop a contingent of Party and State officials who have better satisfied requirements and tasks during the cause of renewal, he said.  

Chuong also stressed the Party’s and the State’s attention to personnel training in terms of both theory and reality, and the increasing numbers of female, young, and ethnic minority officials who take important leadership positions.

Source: VNA