Trieu Minh Xiet, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Muong Lat district, agreed with the Party leader’s practical and concrete directions on the matter.

Xiet said every congress, cadres, Party members, and people have high hopes for moral, talented, visionary, and enthusiastic persons to be selected to contribute to the people and the nation.

Trieu Minh Xiet, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Muong Lat district, Thanh Hoa province

The Party always views the personnel work as pivotal to not only the Party building but also all activities of the Party. In particular, the work must select and arrange the right persons to the right positions.

He cited General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong as emphasizing that the personnel preparation for the coming congress is a task of not only the sub-committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, or the Party Central Committee but also the entire political system, Party committees and organizations, agencies, units, and localities. Good personnel work at lower-level congresses will help ensure good personnel preparation for the 14th National Congress.

The Muong Lat official expressed his hope that the personnel work will be carried out in a strict, impartial, objective, and precise manner at the coming congress so that the Party can secure an eminent Central Committee whose members are all qualified in terms of virtue and capability and meet the Party and people’s expectations.

Meanwhile, Le Van Chau, Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Committee of Thanh Hoa province, held that the speech highlights the significance of the personnel work and also features the Party’s consistent, righteous, and scientific viewpoints on the matter.

According to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, as personnel for the 14th National Congress are strategic-level cadres and constitute the quintessence of the Party, truly deserving persons who have sufficient morality, talent, capacity, virtue, competence, and prestige must be selected to resolve strategic-level issues. Therefore, the personnel work must be taken as key to the quality of the new-tenure leadership.

Chau said the youth of Thanh Hoa hope that the contingent of the strategic-level cadres in the new tenure will pay more attention to the development of young manpower.

Nguyen Ba Loa, a retiree in Tan Son ward of Thanh Hoa city, perceived that the stringent settlement of officials committing wrongdoings shows there are no “off-limit” zones in the Party, and it also provides lessons on personnel selection and appointment.

He added the selection of personnel for high-ranking positions always receives special attention and high expectations from the public before every Party congress. People of all social strata hope that the 14th National Congress will issue proper and breakthrough policies and solutions on the personnel work so as to choose moral, talented, visionary, and enthusiastic persons, especially those ready to think big, act bold, bear responsibility, and make decisions, to develop the country to a new height.

Source: VNA