Earlier, on January 29, the congress spent the whole day discussing in groups the personnel work for the 13th-tenure Party Central Committee.

The 13th National Party Congress continues discussing personnel affairs on the fifth working day on January 30.

After studying documents and discussing candidates to be nominated to the 13th Party Central Committee, delegates filled in self-nomination and nomination forms.

Delegates then filled in forms for withdrawing from the lists of self-nominated and nominated candidates. The Presidium met to consider the cases asking to withdraw from self-nominated and nominated candidates.

The congress’s Secretariat asked the Presidium for instructions on issues in congress documents that the congress needs to vote on.

According to the Party Central Committee’s Organisation Commission, the preparation for the personnel work has received direct, comprehensive, and regular directions from the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat based on the principles of democratic centralism.

The processes related to the human resources have been done step by step in a democratic, objective, and transparent manner.

A total of 1,587 delegates representing more than 5 million Party members nationwide are attending the 13th National Party Congress, which is being held from January 25 to February 2.

Source: VNA