The main content of his speech is translated into English as follows:

Vietnam’s achievements in the fields of politics, economics, culture, defense, security and foreign affairs over the past 35 years of Doi Moi (Renewal), including the country’s fruitful results of the implementation of the Resolution of the 12th National Party Congress in the period of 2016-21, are significant and impressive. These achievements have created a premise for the entire Party, military and people to continue to successfully realize the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Trong Nghia

The successes in implementing Doi Moi have also contributed significantly to protecting the Party’s ideological basis as well as defeating wrong and hostile views – a very important aspect of Party building work. Alongside the fight against wrong and hostile views, the Party has attached much importance to education of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts and the Party’s viewpoints over the past decades, with the aim of making cadres, Party members and people well aware of the various conspiracies and acts of sabotage of hostile and reactionary forces.  

In fact, a large number of Party documents have underlined the work of Party building and protection of the Party’s ideological basis. For instance, the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat issued Conclusion No 94-TB/TW on December 30, 2020, and Directive No 34-CT/TW on April 17, 2009 on enhancing the fight against the “peaceful evolution” strategy on the cultural and ideological front. Since 2018, all Party members and people have implemented Resolution No 35-NQ/TW issued on October 22, 2018 by the Politburo on enhancing the protection of the Party’s ideological basis, the fight against wrong and hostile views in the new context.

Furthermore, all Party committees and organizations as well as the entire political system have been requested to take synchronous measures to boost Party building work and fight wrong and hostile views. Accordingly, Party organizations consolidated their organizational apparatus, completed regulations and policies, and organized various political training courses for Party cadres and Party members. Meanwhile, the press and media increased information dissemination about the achievements obtained over the past years by the nation under the leadership of the Party, affirming the sound leadership of the Party. Agencies responsible for communications and cyber security actively fought wrong and hostile views against the Party, State, military and people of Vietnam in cyberspace.

On the other hand, Party organizations at all levels stepped up prevention and the fight against signs of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” inside the Party and among people.

In the years to come, the regional and global situation is forecasted to see complex developments, which may negatively affect the Vietnamese revolution. So the work of protecting the Party’s ideological basis and fighting against wrong and hostile views should be enhanced. To successfully fulfill the tasks, Party organizations at all level should:

1. Promote political and ideological education for Party members and people, stimulate national pride in society, promote revolutionary achievements among Party members and people, highlight the sound leadership of the Party, and effectively study and implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress while further completing the theoretical system on socialism and Vietnam’s path to socialism.

2. Actively recognize and clarify conspiracies and acts of sabotage by hostile and reactionary forces, determine both adversaries and partners of the Vietnamese revolution, give exact forecasts about situational developments, give full information and orientation to the public when there is a complex or sensitive situation happening in order to consolidate people’s trust in the Party’s leadership and the State’s governance.

3. Attach much importance to the building of a clean and strong Party organization, mobilize the entire political system and society to fight wrong and hostile views, promote coordination among forces to strengthen the all-people defense posture, all-people security posture as well as the people’s wholehearted defense posture in cyberspace so as to comprehensively attack hostile and reactionary forces on the cultural and ideological fronts.     

4. Bring into full play the leading role of Party committees and leaders of agencies, organizations and units at all levels in protecting internal security and fighting corruption. While at the same time rooting out manifestations of political, moral, and lifestyle degradation and signs of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” while maintaining the Party’s Charter, principles and operational regulations.

It must be noted that the Vietnam People’s Army has always played the key force in fighting against wrong and hostile views while actively protecting the Party’s ideological basis since its foundation. In all circumstances, the military has served as an absolutely loyal political force of the Party, State and people, deserving its noble title “Uncle Ho’s Soldier” granted by the Party and people.

Translated by Thu Nguyen