Party leader Nong Duc Manh (R) receives Communist Party USA Sam Webb in Hanoi. Photo: VNA
In pursuit of the consistent policy of diversifying external relations, the Vietnamese Party and State want to break with the past and look towards the future in relations with the US to promote friendship and cooperation between the two countries in the spirit of friendship, long-term stability, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs and mutually beneficial equality, said Party leader Nong Duc Manh.

Mr Manh made the statement at a reception for national chair of the Communist Party USA Sam Webb in Hanoi on December 11.

The Vietnamese Party leader thanked American communists and people for giving valuable support to Vietnamese people in the struggle for national liberalisation in the past and the cause of national construction and defense at present.

For his part, Mr Webb praised the tremendous achievements Vietnam has recorded in its Doi Moi (Renewal) process and said the country’s robust and dynamic economic growth has left a good impression on him.

The Communist Party USA will continue to pioneer worker solidarity movements with a view to supporting the Vietnamese revolutionary cause as well as friendship and cooperation between the two countries and asking the US Government to take responsibility for helping Vietnam overcome war consequences, Mr Webb said.

The US guest also expressed his belief that under the clear-sighted leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), the socialist construction process pursued by Vietnamese people will certainly achieve a success. Vietnam’s achievements and experiences are of international significance for forces fighting for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress, he said.

The same day, the CPV delegation led by Nguyen Van Son, Member of the CPV Central Committee and Head of the CPV’s External Relations Commission and the Communist Party USA delegation compared notes on the situation of their respective countries, regional and international issues of mutual concern and measures to boost relations between the two parties and states.

Source: VOV