Border guards hand over five youths of Kloong village in Gia Lai province to their families. These youths were trafficked to Cambodia.

Nga said that a number of regulations in the law and relevant legal documents no longer fit with the current reality. At the same time, the implementation of the law has yet to be effective in many places, she added.

According to the Vice Chairwoman of the committee Mai Thi Phuong Hoa, in the 2018-2022 period, 440 human trafficking cases with 876 criminals and 1,240 victims were uncovered. However, the number of detected and handled cases has been lower than the reality, said Hoa.

Authorized agencies have rescued 352 victims; and received and verified information on 545 victims returning home from abroad. International cooperation in human trafficking prevention and combat has been effective with the smooth implementation of bilateral agreements in the field between Vietnam and other countries, she said.

NA deputies raised concern about the increasingly complicated human trafficking crime situation and requested relevant ministries and agencies such as the Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Information and Communications, and the Supreme People’s Court to give explanations on the situation and a roadmap to amend the Law on Human Trafficking Prevention and Control and relevant documents.

They asked the Government to direct the Ministry of Public Security to coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to complete dossiers for a draft Law on Human Trafficking Prevention and Control (revised) and submit to the N.A. to add to the law and ordinance building program of 2024.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen communications and law dissemination and education related to human trafficking prevention and control, while integrating the work to socio-economic development programs and increasing the inspection of business facilities with high risk of human trafficking, they said.

Source: VNA