In a recent interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency, Hai stressed that the “bamboo diplomacy” is also the diplomatic philosophy of Vietnam.

The idea of “bamboo diplomacy” was first coined by the leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong at the 29th diplomacy conference in 2016, during which he highlighted the importance of diplomacy in maintaining peace, preventing conflict, and fostering international cooperation in the context of the rapidly changing world.

Dr. Nguyen Hong Hai, a researcher at the Center for Policy Futures under the University of Queensland in Australia

According to Dr. Hai, in order to coin the idea, the Party leader deeply analysed the characteristics of "Vietnamese bamboo."

This diplomacy always upholds the spirit of tolerance, peace and humanity in conduct; and flexibility in strategy in order to defence the nation and ensure national security for people, Hai said.

It also reflects the nation's resilience and solidarity tradition in maintaining its independence and resisting foreign invaders, Hai said, adding that although tolerant and advocating reconciliation, Vietnam always remains steadfast and resolute in the principle of fighting against foreign invaders with the spirit of "rather sacrificing everything than losing the country and returning to slavery.”

According to Hai, this diplomacy also features Ho Chi Minh's ideology and diplomatic style, which is a combination between the nation's tradition and culture, the quintessence of humanity, and the practice of his revolutionary career.

In foreign affairs, the leader always considered the interests of the nation and people as the core issue, and did everything for the sake of the nation, Hai stressed, adding that to do this, it is necessary to strictly follow the principle “taking the unchanging to deal with the changing" – which is also a feature of the bamboo diplomacy.

Hai also mentioned Vietnam’s development and international position since the Communist Party of Vietnam carried out the Doi Moi (renewal) process, highlighting the great contribution of the diplomatic work to the cause.

It can be seen that Vietnam's diplomacy from history to modernity and in practice today has reflected these characteristics. In other words, Vietnam’s modern diplomacy embodies the characteristics of Vietnamese bamboo, Hai stressed.

He cited the success of the vaccine diplomacy of Vietnam in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and the country’s behavior amid instability and fierce competition between major powers in the region and the world to spotlight the bamboo diplomacy which has so far contributed to maintaining independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity; creating a peaceful and favorable environment for the country’s development; and at the same ensuring security, peace, and development in the region and the world.

Source: VNA