Accordingly, the company’s doctors provided free health check-ups and medicines for over 1.100 local residents, worth totally VND 80 million.

Providing health check-ups and medicines

At the same time, they also gave medical advice and consultation to help local people prevent diseases and raise their awareness of environmental protection.

Lieutenant General Dinh Van Phe, Deputy Director of the company held that the program was to show the company’s responsibility to take care of Lao people’s health and promote the relations between the two sides.

Doctor carefully checking a student's health

Annually, the company also sends delegations to conduct social welfare activities, instruct farming techniques, and present necessities to people in Vangtat hamlet cluster, he added.

Lao people thank the doctor for their care.

Receiving medicines from Vietnamese military doctors, Mr. Bun Vieng, Head of Van Tat hamlet cluster, was moved. He affirmed that the company’s members always consider Lao people their family members. “They have helped us with a number of meaningful programs, from doing household business, taking care of health to supporting children’s study. I would like to send sincere thanks to them. Vietnamese soldiers are the best. We are brothers,” Mr. Bun Vieng underlined.

Translated by Song Anh