The mission was accompanied by Deputy Political Commissar of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command Maj. Gen. Tran Van Xuan, and representatives from the MND’s functional agencies.

An overview of the working session 

At the anti-IUU fishing joint commanding post, forces from the coast guard, navy, border guard operate independently under the direct command of the leadership of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command’s Steering Board on IUU prevention. These forces are assigned to closely coordinating with one another and with local authorities to disseminate information, grasp operations of fishing vessels, direct relevant forces to fight against IUU fishing, and promptly deal with emerging situations according to Vietnam law, international law to which Vietnam is a member.

At the event, the mission heard reports and directly checked the task performance of the joint commanding post.

Addressing the event, Gen. Binh highly praised the post, agencies and units for their utmost efforts in implementing higher levels’ directions, sharing anti-IUU fishing measures. He also lauded the joint command post and the Coast Guard Region 4 Command for their active, timely and effective implementation of solutions to end violations of IUU regulations of fishing vessels.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Trong Binh addressing the event

He requested the post to further coordinate with the Coast Guard Region 4 Command and local authorities, party committees to keep a close watch on situations, give recommendations to closely manage waters, and promptly solve situations in line with the law, thus helping end the situation in which Vietnamese fishing vessels violate foreign waters, illegally exploit seafood, and have the European Commission’s "yellow card" warning against Vietnamese seafood lifted.

Translated by Mai Huong