The unexpected rain and flooding have recently harmed people's crops in the harvesting season. The soldiers were divided into groups as they approached the area. Each group worked together with the locals to gather crops.

In charge of the force helping the people, Colonel Le Quang Tuong, Deputy Head of the Training Division under the Military School of Army Corps 3, said, "More than 20 hectares of rice and other cash crops about to be harvested, are flooded in Cat Tai commune. Although the weather is still raining, we are determined to help the people with our all-out efforts."

The officers and soldiers are expected to harvest all of the rice and crops in the next five days, minimizing the damages to the people.

Soldiers from the Military School of Army Corps 3 harvest rice for the locals.
Transporting rice to the gathering place
Soldiers and locals harvest rice.

Translated by Ha Phuong