Meanwhile, Giang Dieu Sai, from Ho Meo hamlet, Tung Qua Lin commune, also received a breeding cow. After a year, a calf was born. He is taking care of the two, hoping that they would help his family soon escape poverty.

Instructing local people on how to grow ginger

Over the past years, hundreds of households in seven border communes in the Phong Tho Defense-Economic project area (Lai Chau province) have been supported by the unit via livestock models, such as breeding buffalos and cows, pigs, goats, and rabbits... with high efficiency, helping people gradually stabilize their lives.

Commanding Officer of Defense-Economic Unit 356, Senior Colonel Do Ngoc Minh noted that, economic models have brought practical meanings to local people, contributing to improving local socio-economy and enhancing defense and security.

The model helps local people gradually stabilize their lives.

Besides, the unit has also closely worked with local authorities and sponsors to implement “Troops paving the way to school for children” program and “Warm meals for students” model... In 2023, the unit took care of 14 needy students, with a total cost of more than VND 100 million. Since 2019, the unit has provided free lunches for nearly 900 students in the area, costing VND 1.5 billion and adopted nine needy children, to name but a few.

These practical activities have not only contributed to stabilizing local people’s lives, but also beautifying the image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers, so as to tighten military-civilian ties and firmly protect national sovereignty in border areas.

Translated by Chung Anh