According to a Tay ethnic resident, Mrs. La Thi Tu, previously, due to difficulties facing her family, she was unable to repair her downgraded house. Thanks to the support of the GS’s Department of Political Affairs, her family now has a new house. She would like to send her sincere thanks to the troops for their meaningful gift.

Meanwhile, Mr. Tran Van Nguyen in Diem Mac commune also received support from the unit to build a gratitude house. On the occasion, he thanked the unit for their assistance, contributing to helping his family in particular, and the commune in general, overcome difficulties.

Major General Chu Van Doan handing over great unity houses to Mrs. La Thi Tu and Mr. Tran Van Nguyen

Diem Mac commune is home to many ethnic minority groups, such as Tay, Thai, Cao Lan, San Chi... of whom the Tay people account for more than 70%. Over the past time, the GS’s Department of Political Affairs has held practical gratitude activities to care for ethnic minority groups in Diem Mac commune who wholeheartedly supported Vietnamese troops during the national resistance wars against foreign invaders.

On the stele of the department at Hoang Ngan Secondary School (Diem Mac commune), it is noted that in order to meet all requirements during the national resistance war against the French colonialists and the military building tasks, and to boost the Party and political work for the General Staff, on June 8, 1948, in Ke Tam village, Diem Mac commune, Chief of the General Staff General Hoang Van Thai issued a decision to establish a political committee under the General Staff (currently the Department of Political Affairs). During its cause of construction and development, the unit was supported by the Diem Mac commune’s authorities and people to accomplish all assigned missions.

Principal of Hoang Ngan Secondary School Mrs. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Le shared that it is a great honor for the school to be stationed in the area where the relic stele of the Department of Political Affairs is located. Therefore, the school regularly boosts education of traditions among its students while cleaning the environment around the site. These activities aim to express their gratitude to Uncle Ho’s soldiers in general and the department in particular for helping the school and students over the past time.

Reportedly, Diem Mac is a poor commune in Dinh Hoa district with many difficulties facing locals’ life. However, thanks to the care of the Party and State, especially the GS’s Department of Political Affairs, in 2022, the commune met the new-style rural area criteria.

According to the unit’s Director Major General Chu Van Doan, promoting the national tradition “When drinking water, remember its source” and the movements “The military joins hands to build new-style rural areas” and “The military joins hands for the poor - leaving no one behind,” the department has directed its affiliated units to promptly conduct gratitude activities nationwide.

Accordingly, the unit has supported VND 500 million to build gratitude, comrade and great unity houses to policy beneficiaries and needy households, taken care of 38 heroic Vietnamese mothers, and helped the localities to develop infrastructure, among others, at a total cost of tens of billions of VND.

In Dinh Hoa alone, the GS’s troops have donated more than VND 30 billion to build and repair historical relic sites, 42 gratitude houses, one memorial relic site dedicated to war martyrs and one cultural house; and provided free health checkups and treatment for locals.

The return-to-the-root journey of the department has contributed to further fostering the military-civilian solidarity and ties.

Translated by Minh Anh