With many effective policies and measures, over the past time, Defense-Economic Unit 5 has gained remarkable achievements in the movement, contributing to raising the life quality of local people and ensuring political security in the locality.

Defense-Economic Unit 5 presents gifts to disadvantaged students.
Medical staff of the unit provide free health check-ups and medicines for local people.

Following troops of Production Team 3 to visit and present gifts to the family of Loc Van Thom, a Thai ethnic person, in Na Hin village, Muong Chanh commune, Muong Lat district, Thanh Hoa province, I had a chance to tour Thom’s agricultural production model. The garden located on the hillside has been scientifically planned, boosting efficiency in the household economic development. The small stream was divided into three areas to raise fish. On the banks of the stream, Thom has planted some trees such as bananas, papaya, and grown vegetables; the livestock area has separate pig and poultry barns.

Thom shared that his family has eight members. His wife and he are old and weak. Their life depends on farming so they live in extremely difficult conditions. Nearly a year ago, thanks to the support from troops of Production Team 3 and Defense-Economic Unit 5, their living standards have been improved.

Reportedly, along with providing two breeding pigs, Production Team 3 coordinated with the Youth Union Organization and veterans of Na Hin village to help his family build this agricultural production model. Meanwhile, the team gave his family seedlings and sent officers to introduce techniques to raise fish, frogs, pigs and plant vegetables to Thom’s family.

Troops of the unit help Pom Khuong village (Tam Chung commune) build a road.
Breeding pigs given to needy families

Returning to the villages of the H'mong, Kho Mu, Thai ethnic minority people in the Muong Lat district, we no longer saw children crying next to dilapidated houses like a few years ago. At present, houses have become more solid; schools are bustling with the sound of children learning to read; and many concrete roads appear across the villages, to name but a few. All the localities have their own economic models that are suitable to the climate and soil conditions.

According to Senior Colonel Hoang Van Vo, Head of Defense-Economic Unit 5, implementing the movement “The military joins hands to build new-style rural areas,” apart from focusing on five specific contents, the unit has set a target to make breakthroughs to help people reduce poverty.

In particular, the unit has directed its production teams to establish economic development models and assisted several villages in building comprehensively strong villages. Additionally, the unit has required each party organization to help one or two families with extremely difficult conditions.

Via appropriate policies and effective measures, up to now, there have been many household economic models with high-income and the rate of poor families has decreased in communes in Muong Lat Defense-Economic Zone.

Personnel of Production Team 3 providing frog raising techniques to local people in Muong Chanh commune
Guiding people to take care of vegetables

Moreover, the unit has opened tens of literacy classes for hundreds of local people; organized training courses on techniques to raise livestock for officials in communes, and villages; and called on individuals and collectives for financial support for the construction of concrete roads, and the repair of school campuses, and more.

Still, the unit has sent many working delegations to villages to disseminate information about the meaning and goal of building new-style rural areas, and provided free health check-ups for local people, etc.

Talking about the efforts of Defense-Economic Unit 5 in supporting Muong Lat district to build new-style rural areas, Secretary of the Muong Lat district Party Committee Ha Van Ca affirmed that the support of the unit not only helps local people to reduce poverty but is also seen as an encouragement for the locality to overcome difficulties, thereby promoting socio-economic development and ensuring political security.

Translated by Quynh Oanh