The event was the fourth voluntary blood donation that the 15th Army Corps has organized in 2022. As a result, 155 blood units were collected and handed over to hospitals in Gia Lai province for treatment.

The blood donation drive attracts the participation of many troops.

During the event, besides the non-commissioned officers and soldiers who participated for the first time, there were many officers and cadres of the corps who have donated blood more than 10 times. Moreover, many of them have also joined various blood donation clubs in Gia Lai province.

This was a noble deed, showing the responsibility of the participants towards the community. Ms. Le Thi Thu Giang, a defense worker and nurse at the Department of Traditional Medicine and Rehabilitation at Military Hospital 15 has donated blood 35 times. In particular, Ms. Giang is a member of the “Hot Blood Gia Lai” club, whose members are always ready to go to any hospital in the area to donate blood whenever the patient needs. Ms. Giang said that she has also disseminated and mobilized many people in the area to participate in blood donation.

Ms. Le Thi Thu Giang donating blood

In order to attract the troops to join the program, Army Corps 15’s Party Committee and Command directed all affiliated units to strictly and effectively conduct the program, promoting the role of party committees, chains-of-command and Youth Union, Women’s Union organizations while raising troops’ awareness of the importance of the blood donation with the theme “A drop of blood donated, a life saved.”

Translated by Minh Anh