PANO – In the coming time, Naval Region 3 should continue promoting recorded results, boosting the quality of Party and political work, and heightening troops’ awareness, responsibility and revolutionary vigilance.

This was requested by Director of the Department of Organization, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu Xuan, during an inspection of task implementation at Naval Region 3.


General Xuan also asked the unit’s troops to consistently carry out the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies on defending national sovereignty over the sea and islands, be ready to take on and fulfil assigned missions,  and promote dissemination activities on the election of deputies to the 14th National Assembly and People’s Councils in the period 2016-2020. 

During the inspection, the officer highly appreciated the command’s recorded achievements in thoroughly grasping and strictly implementing resolutions and instructions of higher levels, strictly maintaining combat readiness during the Lunar New Year Festival 2016, as well as comprehensively and effectively carrying out Party and political work.

Translated by Son Ca