PANO - The Naval Service on September 20 organized a conference to review its five-year coordination with provinces, cities, central departments, press agencies in disseminating information about national seas and islands in the 2011-2016 period.

Over the past five years, agencies and units at all levels as well as the press and media have carried out information dissemination about national seas and islands in a comprehensive and proactive manner, helping Vietnamese people of all walks of life at home and overseas and foreigners comprehend Vietnam's undebatable sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) Islands and Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands.

Delegates observing editions related to national seas and islands

The good results have stemmed from comprehensive and close leadership of the Party Committees of the involved organizations over the information dissemination, appropriate combination between the information dissemination and unit’s political tasks, the creative and efficient methods of disseminating information, the good combination of various forms of disseminating information, and the effective and active role of the press in information dissemination.

Addressing the conference, Lt. Gen. Nguyen Trong Nghia, Deputy Director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’s Army spoke highly of the good results gained by the Naval Service and involved agencies, units and localities across the country.

The general asked the Service and other relevant organizations to continue closely following developments in the East Sea (South China Sea) to provide the Party, State and Defense Ministry good advice on directing information dissemination work in terms of contents, forms and frequency; enhancing their close coordination among agencies, units and localities, making good plans, comprehensively and effectively carrying out information missions on protection of national seas and islands in line with the Party’s guidelines.

They were also urged to resolutely and consistently prioritize the national interests in their dissemination work with a focus on upholding a peaceful and stable environment for national development, and building on friendship and solidarity with other nations in the region and the world as a whole.

Other requirements included renovation and diversification of popularization forms to raise public awareness of the national sovereignty over its seas and islands and to bring into full play resources to build and defend the sacred national sovereignty over the country’s seas and islands.

Translated by Mai Huong