The conference was chaired by Senior Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet, Chief of the GDP.

Senior Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet chairing the conference

At the conference, the functional departments under the GDP reported updates to GDP's Chief on the preparatory work for the anniversary activities and the scientific seminar titled “The General Department of Political Affairs of the Vietnam People's Army – 80 years of firmly marching under the Party’s flag.”

In his speech, Gen. Quyet emphasized the need for agencies and units to strictly follow the approved plan, accelerate progress, and break down tasks into specific, and actionable items. The celebrations must ensure comprehensiveness and widespreadness throughout the entire military and the entire country, reflecting the 80-year history of the VPA, the 35 years of the Whole-People Defense Festive Day, and the GDP’s journey through various periods of time. They must be impressive and have widespread influence, demonstrating the true stature and significance of the events. He urged agencies and units to actively engage in emulation movements, political and ideological education, as well as organize meaningful and practical activities.

For the scientific seminar titled “The GDP of the Vietnam People's Army – 80 years of firmly marching under the Party’s flag,” the GDP Chief required units to meticulously review each component and ensure thorough preparations for a successful event. Any arising issues should be reported promptly to the GDP leadership. The draft presentations should be reviewed carefully, with input from experts and scholars, while the draft opening remarks, overview report, closing statement, and program script should be comprehensive and well-organized.

Delegates sharing their inputs

Gen. Quyet noted that agencies and units need to be more active and pro-active in preparing activities for the 80th anniversary of the VPA establishment, the 35th Whole-People Defense Festive Day, the GDP's 80th foundation day, and the scientific seminar. He highlighted the importance of strong communication efforts before, during, and after the anniversary on mass media, and a thorough review of assigned tasks to ensure a successful and memorable series of activities that will deeply impress the armed forces and people from all walks of life.

Translated by Trung Thanh