The conference also discussed ways to enhance the effectiveness of the ministry’s work related to international treaties and agreements between now and 2030.

As heard at the function, over the past decade, under the leadership of the Party and the State, the ministry effectively coordinated with relevant ministries, sectors, and municipal and provincial authorities to implement content of the convention and the protocol. It also performed well in international cooperation tasks such as the extradition of criminals, transfer of individuals serving prison sentences, legal assistance in criminal matters, among others.

At the conference of the Ministry of Public Security in Hanoi on April 25 (Photo:

The ministry has signed and implemented three agreements on judicial assistance in criminal matters, 17 agreements on extradition, 22 agreements on transferring persons serving prison sentences, 17 agreements on cooperation in crime prevention and control, six agreements on protection of confidential information, 14 agreements on receiving back citizens or cooperating in immigration, and 12 agreements on other issues. The work has contributed to creating an effective legal framework to safeguard national interests and protect the legitimate and legal rights and interests of Vietnamese organizations and citizens in the international process.

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Minister of Public Security Le Quoc Hung stressed the need for a specific plan for negotiating and signing international treaties and agreements.

He suggested intensifying comprehensive and extensive international cooperation, as well as studying and selectively adopting other countries’ anti-crime law building experiences for application.

He noted that it is necessary to further study the signing, joining and implementation of multilateral and bilateral international treaties with ASEAN member states, major countries, and traditional partners regarding the matters of security, order, crime prevention, criminal legal assistance, extradition, and transfer of individuals serving prison sentences.

Source: VNA