50 Korean students have arrived in Vietnam to carry out a charitable programme together with members of the International Youth Club from January 22 to 29 in Ho Chi Minh City and Ba Ria – Vung Tau province.


The volunteers helped build 6 houses of gratitude, repair two road sections and presented 400 gifts to families of those who had done good services to the country. They also visited schools and taught traditional dances to children in Ho Chi Minh City.

Part of the programme is an Olympic games style event held at the Southern Youth Culture and Sport Centre with the participation of about 4,000 people.

The Korean youths said that they would sign up to vote for Halong Bay as one of the world’s natural wonders.

The programme is jointly held by Korea’s SK Telecom and the Southern Youth Culture and Sport Centre to improve relations between Vietnamese and Korean students.

Source: TT

Translated by Duy Minh