The Deputy PM said he believes that Gillibrand’s visit will contribute to enhancing mutual understanding and trust, and promoting the relations between the two countries and their legislatures.

Deputy PM Tran Luu Quang (sixth from the left) and his U.S. guests

Quang called on U.S. congressmen to raise a strong voice so that the U.S. government would soon recognize Vietnam's market economy status.

The two sides shared the view on the importance of maintaining peace, stability, security and safety of navigation and overflight, and settling disputes by peaceful measures on the basis of international law, especially the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982.

The U.S. delegation highly valued Vietnam’s stance on the East Sea (South China Sea) issue.

Gillibrand and other delegation members expressed their impressions of Vietnam’s outstanding development, and thanked the country for its supply of medical equipment during the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

She said the elevation of the bilateral relationship to the comprehensive strategic partnership on the occasion of the visit to Vietnam by President Joe Biden in September 2023 has created a good foundation for the relations to grow further in the time ahead.

The U.S. wants to expand collaboration in various spheres, from economy, technology, energy and agriculture to new ones like artificial intelligence (AI), she said.

Source: VNA