The top legislator’s official visit to Cuba, which is made at the invitation of President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez, is believed to contribute to further deepening the close ties between the two parties, states, N.A.s and people of Vietnam and Cuba.

The visit is taking place at a time when Vietnam and Cuba are celebrating the 60th founding anniversary of the Cuban Committee for Solidarity with South Vietnam (September 25, 1963 - 2023), and the 50th anniversary of Cuban leader Fidel Castro Ruz’s first visit to Vietnam and the liberated zone in the South of Vietnam (September 1973).

Special solidarity, model of international relations

In the contemporary world history, the relationship between the two parties, states and peoples of Vietnam and Cuba is a rare one. This sound ties were founded by Cuban hero José Martí, President Ho Chi Minh and Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro and have been nurtured by generations of leaders and people of Vietnam and Cuba.

Over the past six decades, the two nations have stood side by side during the struggle for national independence and freedom as well as the cause of national construction and defense and the building of socialism in each country.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (left) and Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz

Although the world situation has seen many ups and downs, the traditional solidarity and special friendship between Vietnam and Cuba have continued to be promoted and strengthened in all channels in a substantial manner. In the current new development period in the two countries and the world, the two parties and states are clearly aware of the need to further lift their ties to a new height.

The Vietnam - Cuba partnership has been expanded to many areas from politics, diplomacy to economy, culture, education, science and technology. Their political relations have been strengthened with high mutual trust. Senior leaders of the two parties, states and governments have regularly made mutual visits, contributing to beefing up the bilateral ties and broadening exchanges among ministries and sectors.

Cooperation areas expanded

The sound political-diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Cuba have motivated the bilateral economic and trade cooperation. In recent years, two-way trade has reached between 250-300 million USD per year.

The Vietnam - Cuba trade ggreement was signed in 2018 during Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel’s visit to Vietnam and took effect from April 1, 2020, contributing to promoting trade ties between the two countries.

The deal allows the continuous expansion and diversification of trade exchange between the two sides, while facilitating the import-export and market penetration activities. They are striving to reach 500 million USD in two-way trade in 2025.

In terms of investment, Vietnam is currently the largest Asia-Pacific investor in Cuba, with many operating projects. Many large-scale firms of Vietnam are interested in the Cuban market and seeking investment and cooperation opportunities in the Caribbean country.

Regarding agricultural collaboration, a project to assist Cuba in rice production development in the 2011-2015 period with a total investment of 43 million USD has been implemented effectively.

At the same time, other projects to support Cuba in maize, soya bean production and aquatic farming have also been fruitfully carried out. The two sides are working together on other agro-fisheries projects, including a rice production cooperation project in the 2019-2023 period that has been approved by the Vietnamese Government.

The two sides have signed a number of important cooperation agreements, including those to strengthen bilateral trade cooperation.

The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development have also provided technical assistance to Cuba to develop high-yielding maize. The two sides have also agreed on the third phase of the project to support Cuba in aquaculture in the 2022-2025 period.

In the field of education, each year, Cuba has granted many scholarships to Vietnamese students, while many Cuban young people have received scholarships to study Vietnamese language and culture at the Vietnam National University - Hanoi.

The two sides have also supported each other in COVID-19 prevention and control, and are seeking to bolster economic, trade and investment collaboration.

Parliamentary cooperation makes positive, practical contribution to bilateral ties

According to N.A. General Secretary and Chairman of the N.A. Office Bui Van Cuong, leaders of Cuba and the Cuban N.A. have highly valued the positive and practical contribution of the two N.A.s to the reinforcement and promotion of the special and loyal friendship between the two countries, and share the hope to further strengthen and deepen the ties between the two countries in general and the two parliaments in particular.

“During N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue's ongoing visit, leaders of the Vietnamese and Cuban national sssemblies are scheduled to sign an agreement on inter-parliamentary cooperation mechanism between the two national assemblies,” said Vu Hai Ha, Chairman of the Vietnamese N.A. Committee for External Relations.

The Cuba visit by N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue coincides with the celebrations of many important events of the Cuban revolution and the Vietnam - Cuba relations.

Cuban Ambassador to Vienam Orlando Nicolás Hernández Guillén

Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam Orlando Nicolás Hernández Guillén affirmed that the visit is of significance as it is the trip by one of the top leaders of Vietnam. It holds "historical importance," he said, noting that the Vietnamese N.A. leader’s entourage who are representatives from many sectors will contribute to further bolstering the partnership between the two countries.

Chairman of the N.A. Committee for External Relations Vu Hai Ha said that the Cuban side is looking forwards to the visit. The Vietnamese N.A. Chairman is the first foreign leader to visit Cuba after the country successfully held the general election, he said.

The agreement on inter-parliamentary cooperation mechanism aims to increase the sharing of experience and mutual support at regional and international forums, while fostering coordination in supervising the implementation of cooperation deals between the two countries, thus making the bilateral relations more practical and effective, Ha added.

Source: VNA