In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency on the threshold of the visit, Tung said that the visit takes place at a special time for Cuba as it successfully organized the election of legislators to its National Assembly of People's Power on March 26, and on the occasion of the 60th founding anniversary of the Cuban Committee for Solidarity with South Vietnam and the 50th anniversary of the first visit to Vietnam by the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Le Thanh Tung

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue’s trip this time is the highest-level by Vietnamese Party and State leaders to Cuba in 2023. This is also the longest which has the largest number of official activities, with more than 40 covering all aspects, from politics and diplomacy to economy, trade, investment and many others.

This trip will be a particularly important mark in the good traditional relationship between Vietnam and Cuba, stressed Tung.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue is also the first foreign high-ranking leader to speak at the plenum of the Cuban National Assembly of People's Power, particularly a special session to establish a new National Assembly. This demonstrates the fraternal solidarity, comprehensive cooperation and mutual trust between the party, state and people of the two countries.

During his stay, the top legislator of Vietnam will hold talks and meet with top leaders of the Cuban party and state. He will also pay a visit to Cuban revolution leader Genenal Raúl Castro Ruz.

He is scheduled to attend a bilateral business forum and events to launch Vietnam’s cooperation and investment projects at Mariel special development zone, and have meetings with representatives from several Cuban associations.

A lot of cooperation agreements, plans and programs between the two sides will be signed during this visit, Tung said.

On this occasion, the two sides will ink an agreement on inter-parliamentary collaboration, which will help lift the two parliaments’ relations to a new height with specific programs, plans and targets of action.

The diplomat went on to say that Vietnamese businesses are paying more and more attention to the Cuban market although it is now still under blockade. The increasing number of investment projects between the two countries in recent years is a testament to the continuous development of the bilateral comprehensive cooperation on the basis of fraternal friendship and mutual trust between the two countries’ leaders and peoples.

Source: VNA