Receiving President of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CPD) Izumi Kenta in Hanoi on August 30, the N.A. leader appreciated Japanese political parties’ high level of consensus on further supporting and enhancing cooperation with Vietnam, saying it is an extremely important foundation for preparing for and shaping the next five decades of cooperation between the two countries.

Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue and President of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CPD) Kenta Izumi at their meeting in Hanoi on August 30

Lauding Vietnam's dynamic development, Izumi said the CDP’s prioritised direction is to create a stable and safe environment for workers, including Vietnamese in Japan.

He affirmed the stance of the party and himself in continuing to support the enhancement of the countries’ cooperation as well as Vietnam's goals to become to become an upper middle-income developing country with a modern industrial base by 2030 and a developed and high-income one by 2045, and to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. He vowed to closely cooperate with Vietnam during its realization of these goals.

Host and guest agreed that the two countries need to strengthen joint work in high technology, climate change adaptation, and socio-economic development. They also emphasised the importance of maintaining peace and stability, and resolving disputes through peaceful means, based on international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982).

Vuong Dinh Hue hoped that the CDP and Izumi himself will support collaboration between the Vietnamese and Japanese legislative bodies, especially their exchange of high-level delegations, friendship parliamentary groups, young parliamentarians, and women parliamentarians.

Izumi said Japan is preparing to send a delegation to the ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians to be hosted by Vietnam in mid-September.

Source: VNA