Poldi Sosa, now in her 80, once wrote in her memoir that said Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese people have an important role to play in my whole life. She said she paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum in Hanoi on all of her 26 visits to Vietnam since 1997.

President Ho Chi Minh is the soul of the Vietnamese revolution. (A filed photo for illustration)

She stressed that she has been impressed and moved by the extraordinary efforts of the Vietnamese leader who travelled around the world, worked hard, and experienced the laborious life of the working class, adding he studied and approached advanced revolutionary ideologies to find the best way to liberate the nation.

She went on to say that President Ho Chi Minh actively engaged in socio-political activities in France and wrote articles that condemned the French colonial regime and harsh rules.

According to her, the President was not only a great patriot but also an excellent soldier of the international communist and national liberation movements in the 20th century.

He voted to establish the French Communist Party in December 1920, and as an Indochinese delegate to the French Communist Party, he took the advantage of all forums to call for communist soldiers’ support for the national liberation in colonies, she stressed.

Poldi Sosa said President Ho Chi Minh’s devotion was an invaluable asset for the Vietnamese and global revolutions, highlighting under the leadership of the Communist Party and President Ho Chi Minh, the Vietnamese people clinched the landslide victory in the August Revolution that led to the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, as well as victories in the resistance wars against France and the U.S. to reunify the nation.

Source: VNA