Argentine national news agency Telam has ran an article highlighting the sound relations between Vietnam and Argentina. It noted that during their meeting, N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and Argentine President Alberto Fernandez reaffirmed the determination to strengthen bilateral trade and investment partnership.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (left) and Argentine President Alberto Fernandez 

The article said the two leaders underlined the great potential in diversifying goods for exchange and agreed to promote partnership in investment, science and technology.

It said that after her meeting with the Vietnamese N.A. leader, Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernandez shared on her Twitter a photo with Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, showing her special sentiments towards Vietnam.

The article also said President of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina Cecilia Moreau posted on her Twitter account that leaders of the two parliaments signed an agreement to strengthen bilateral parliamentary cooperation, commenting that this is an important step forwards in the bilateral partnership.

Meanwhile, Infobae newspaper also ran a story entitled “Argentina and Vietnam wish to strengthen bilateral trade,” affirming that through high-level meetings between N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and Argentine leaders, the two sides agreed to strive for 10 billion USD in trade by 2025.

Resumen Latinoamericano newspaper also reported activities of the Vietnamese top legislator during the visit. It quoted President Alberto Fernandez as emphasizing that Argentina highly values the prestige and rising position of Vietnam in the region and the world, and affirming that there is ample room for the two sides to collaborate, especially in trade and investment.

Source: VNA