The signing took place following their talks the same day as part of the ongoing official visit to Argentina by Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue.

General Director of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) Vu Viet Trang (left) and President of the Argentine National News Agency (Telam) Bernada Llorente at the signing ceremony

Highlighting new developments of cooperation between the two news agencies, Trang said the agreement creates a foundation for them to officially exchange information, promote potential and strengths of each country, and enhance exchanges between citizens, thus contributing to fostering the Vietnam - Argentina relationship.

Given a host of challenges facing the world, including fake news, it is a need for news agencies to reform themselves to catch up with the evolving information landscape, she continued.

Cooperation enhancement and difficulty sharing are the target which the two news agencies are working towards, Trang said, adding that under the agreement, they will effectively roll out cooperation activities such as information exchange with attention to multimedia products, support to journalists, and experience sharing.

The VNA is stepping up multimedia products, popularizing its products on the Internet, and utilizing AI in information production, Trang told her host.

The VNA General Director expressed her belief that through the information bridge, the two news agencies will contribute to strengthening the Vietnam - Argentina collaboration in all fields, from politics and diplomacy to economy, science, education, national defense and security, environmental protection, and connectivity between localities, and to bringing the two peoples closer.

The two sides will also organize practical activities this year to increase information celebrating the 50th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties, she said.

For her part, Llorente expressed her impressions on the land and people of Vietnam as well as its economic achievements, after her two visits to the Southeast Asian nation.

She also noted her admiration for Vietnamese people’s unyielding spirit and strong will, which were tested during the past struggle for national liberation.

Vietnam remains an important priority partner of Argentina in Asia, she said, stressing that Telam, as the national news agency of Argentina, has always provided information on the Southeast Asian country.

The agreement will continue laying a foundation for the two sides to expand their cooperation in press activities, thereby contributing more to forging the relations between Vietnam and Argentina, Llorente said.

Established in 1945, Telam is the biggest news agency in Latin America, and churns out the second largest volume of press products in Spanish in the world.

Source: VNA