May 12, 2021 | 19:36 (GMT+7)
Petrol prices increase in latest review
The retail prices of oil and petrol increased as of 15:00 on May 12 following the latest adjustments made by the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Photo for illustration: MoIT |
Accordingly, the retail price of bio-fuel E5 RON 92 was raised to a maximum of 18,426 VND (USD) per litre, up 438 VND, and that of RON 95-III was set at no more than 19,531 VND per litre, up 446 VND.
Meanwhile, the ceiling prices of diesel 0.05S and kerosene were adjusted up 446 VND and 566 VND to 14,774 VND and 13,825 VND, respectively.
The ministries decided to increase subsidies for petrol prices by 400 VND - 1,900 VND per litre.
The two ministries review fuel prices every 15 days to keep domestic prices up to date with the global market.
The global petrol prices have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has become more complicated in several Asian countries recently, they said.
Source: VNA