Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Phan Chi Thanh speaks at the forum.

Speaking at the event, Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Le Tri Thanh said Quang Nam now counts 195 FDI projects with total registered capital of 6 billion USD, mainly focusing on processing-manufacturing, tourism and services.

Of the 30 countries and territories investing in the province, Thailand contributes four projects worth some 43.4 million USD in the fields of agriculture and processing-manufacturing, he added, stressing that the Thai firms are operating effectively and significantly contributing to local development.

A participant voices his opinions.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Phan Chi Thanh said Thailand is a big economic partner and the ninth largest investor of Vietnam with more than 600 projects valued at over 13 billion USD.

Thailand is also Vietnam’s biggest trade partner in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) with two-way trade reaching 19.5 billion USD last year, and 5 billion USD in the first quarter of this year.

The two countries are striving to raise the bilateral trade revenue to 25 billion USD by 2025, the diplomat went on, noting that there remains ample room for them to promote the investment, trade and tourism ties.

At the forum

According to Thanh, overseas Vietnamese in Thailand are running about 1,000 enterprises in Thailand, mainly small-and medium-sized ones, covering different areas like industry, agriculture, food processing, export-import, logistics, services and construction.

A number of them have expanded operations in Vietnam, but the figure still remains modest, he said.

The ambassador suggested Quang Nam create the best possible conditions for Vietnamese businesses worldwide and Thailand in particular to operate in the locality.

Source: VNA