Potential areas that need investment include renewable energy, high-tech agriculture, agro-forestry-fishery processing, he noted.

Leaders of Bac Lieu province in a group photo with the delegation of the U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City

Bac Lieu is facing a number of difficulties such as river bank and sea dyke erosions and rising sea levels which affect people's lives, he said, adding that flood prevention measures and waste treatment are also urgent issues in the locality. Thus, Thieu expected to receive U.S. support, especially official development assistance (ODA) funding to invest in transport, climate change response, education, health and digital transformation.

For her part, Burns appreciated the strengths and economic development orientations of Bac Lieu province, emphasizing the U.S. has programs for technical assistance and feasibility studies for projects related to the energy field.

As U.S. businesses are very interested in this field, she hoped that Vietnam will continue to remove difficulties so that many American businesses will have the opportunity to strengthen cooperation with the Southeast Asian country in this regard.

The U.S. diplomat also expected that many U.S. businesses and investors can participate in investment promotion programs and carry out projects in Bac Lieu province in the future.

Source: VNA