Top Vietnamese chess player Le Quang Liem. Photo: vnexpress.net

Liem, who has an Elo rating of 2,728, will compete against three Chinese grandmasters and four other grandmasters; Jan-Krzysztof Duda (Elo 2,737), Samuel Shankland (Elo 2,727), Vidit Santosh Gujrathi (Elo 2,718) and Vladimir Fedoseev (Elo 2,707).

This is the second year that Liem has been invited to take part in the tournament. He has the fourth highest Elo rating of this year’s competitors.

The event has a total prize of USD 60,000, of which the winner will walk away with a bonus of USD 24,000.

The tournament will finish on August 3.

Source: VNA