The flag-raising ceremony was attended by Major General Bui Hong Quang, Deputy Director of the Department of Military Training under the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, representatives of the leadership of Military Region 7, Ho Chi Minh City Military Command; the organizing committee of the tournament; leaders, coaches, and athletes from participating delegations.

The Men’s Volleyball Tournament for ASEAN Armies 2023, held for the first time in Vietnam, is one of the important international defense external affairs activities, bringing in benefits in terms of international integration, national defense and security, politics, sports, and culture.

Speaking at the flag-raising ceremony, Major General Bui Hong Quang emphasized that the tournament contributes to promoting harmonious development and prosperity in the region, as well as building and maintaining peace, stability, cooperation, and development.

This year's tournament features the participation of seven teams from Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, and the Philippines. Teams joining the Men’s Volleyball Tournament for ASEAN Armies 2023 will officially compete on October 3 and the tournament will conclude on October 8. Apart from the delegation leaders, medical personnel, interpreters, each delegation is able to register three coaches and 14 athletes to participate in the tournament.

The People's Army Newspaper would like to introduce some images from the flag-raising ceremony of the Men’s Volleyball Tournament for ASEAN Armies 2023.

The Men’s Volleyball Tournament for ASEAN Armies 2023 has seven participating teams.
Sports delegations participating in the flag-raising ceremony
Major General Bui Hong Quang, Deputy Director of the Department of Military Training, speaking at the flag-raising ceremony
The guards-of-honor preparing for the flag-raising ceremony
The national flag of each country is raised in a solemn atmosphere.
Delegates salute their national flags during the event.
The Vietnamese national flag is hoisted.
The national flags of participating countries are flying in front of the National Defense Sports Center 2.
Right after the flag-raising ceremony, athletes from the teams begin their training.

Translated by Song Anh