The contest is to celebrate 10 years of the “For beloved Truong Sa” program of Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund and the “For Beloved Hoang Sa – Truong Sa” Club.

One of the DK1 platforms

The aim of this contest is to popularize the position, and the beauty of the waters and islands in the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos and of DK platforms and boost education on national revolutionary traditions as well as raise patriotism, national pride, and sense of responsibility for national sea and islands among the club members and each Vietnamese national.

Photos should capture life moments, daily lives of troops and people and their activities to safeguard national sovereignty over sea and islands, as well as feature the sentiments of troops and people in the mainland for beloved Hoang Sa, Truong Sa and DK platforms.

Each amateur or professional photographer nationwide can send a maximum of two photo collections, with 5-8 photos each, and ten other photos with the name of photographer, caption for each photo, and time and place of photo-taking. In addition, photos must be uploaded on website by August 15.

An awarding ceremony and a photo exhibition will take place on August 25 at Ho Chi Minh City Youth Cultural House.

On this occasion, Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund and the “For Beloved Hoang Sa – Truong Sa” Club launched a writing contest under the theme “National sea and islands in my heart.” Each entry in the form of poetry or essay under 1,500 words should reflect the potential, beauty of national sea, islands, unsung sacrifices of naval troops, troops and people relations, beauty of laborers, and fishermen’s spirit of reaching out to the sea and protecting islands, and more. Feelings about visits to troops and people in Truong Sa island district, Khanh Hoa province are welcomed.

The contest is for all sea and island lovers. Entries must be emailed to by August 15.

Translated by Mai Huong