To mark the death anniversary of the Hung Kings (the tenth day of the third lunar month), the Association for Liaison with Overseas Vietnamese and the Committee for Mobilizing Project of Vietnam Ancestral Global Day have cooperated with overseas Vietnamese associations, communities and Vietnam Embassies in these countries to organize the event.

This is an occasion for Vietnamese nationals living and working overseas to pay homage to the ancestors and to commit themselves to the Fatherland.

The Vietnam Ancestral Global Day 2019 in Thailand

This is the second time the Vietnam Ancestral Global Day has been celebrated simultaneously in Asia, Europe and North America following a common agenda. Accordingly, the events will have three main parts: the Hung Kings incense-offering ceremony, art and culture activities with the participation of international friends, and scientific seminars.

According to the organizers, the organization aims to preserve and develop the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Hung Kings worship in foreign countries while promoting  national unity and fostering cultural exchange between Vietnam and other nations in the world.

Also, the Vietnam Ancestral Global Day is hoped to contribute to raising the national position, image of the people and cultural values of Vietnam throughout the world.

Translated by Trong Dat - Nguyet Minh - Duc Phan