Back to the old times, people in the village were famous for traditional weaving and embroidery products. In 1945, the Resistance Committee called on artisans in the village to embroider national flags in preparation for the August Revolution. Tu Van’s handicraft of making national flags started from then. 

On the occasion of the National Day (September 2), the People’s Army Newspaper would like to introduce photos of the special handicraft village in the outskirts of Hanoi.

National flag making is a pride of local people and helps them have stable income.
In many families in the village, there are three or four generations of national flag makers.
It normally takes two or three days to finish embroidering a flag. For beginners, it can take up to a week.
The precision in individual stitches helps make high quality embroidery on flags.
Apart from hand embroideries, people in Tu Van village make different kinds of products to meet people’s demand.

Translated by Tran Hoai